Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011

Selamat Tahun Baru

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Sahabat yang baik dan budiman, sekarang tuch hari apa ya..?? Kenapa banyak benget remaja-remaja dan anak-anak yang duduk santai di pinggir jalan, berkerumun dan bergerombol, tertawa ria tanpa pernah mengerti bahwa ini adalah jalan raya..
Kira-kira apakah mereka mengerti bahwa Indonesia kita tercinta ini sedang terkoyak..?? Banyak korupsi dari tingkat pejabat sampai tingkat kampung yang sudah merajalela, banyak pembunuhan yang sadis juga terjadi di beberapa tempat di negeri ini. Apakah mereka rela bergembira ria, padahal saudara-saudara kita di luar sana banyak yang merintih kesakitan, menahan lapar di tengah ekonomi yang terombang-ambing..
Setelah beberapa saat berfikir, aku pun teringat bahwa sebentar lagi kita akan menyongsong Tahun yang baru.. Horeeee... 2012 euy..
Akhirnya, dengan sedikit tubuh yang capek ini saya mengucapkan :


"Semoga semua impian kita segera terlaksana, dan kita menjadi orang yang bahagia selamanya.."

Terima Kasih.

Losta Nasta, bikin harimu semakin tertawa

Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

Kyle Lograsso

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Kyle Lograsso takes everyone's breath away. His story begins in 2004 when the Lograsso family lived in Japan when Kyle's father, Jeff, was assigned as a member of the United States Marine Corps. During a family cookout, Jeff's golf loving friend watched Kyle swinging a stick like a golf club. Jeff's friend said then that the barely 2 years old Kyle had the "Perfect golf swing." Jeff's says : "And this was from a guy who played golf all the time. That's when I started thinking something was happening."
Unfortunately, challenging news soon came. A few weeks after his 2nd birthday, the doctor diagnosed Kyle with bilateral retinoblastoma, or eye cancer, in both eyes. The diagnosis made the family fly back to the US where Kyle's left eye was removed to prevent the cancer from spreading to his optical nerve and brain. The young Kyle then underwent six months of grueling chenotheraphy to save his right eye. During the seasons, Kyle developed a near fatal blood infection and was unable to play with other children because of the tubes in his chest.
However, he kept swinging a club in the house for hours at a time and in 2005, Jeff was finally able to take the three year old Kyle to the golf course for the first time. A pro-golfer remarked that Kyle had great golfing skills. "The first thing he said when he saw Kyle was that he swung just like Tiger Woods," Jeff said. "That's when I really knew something was going on."
During a visit to an indoor range in 2006, Kyle attracted the attention of another player who, it turned out, was married to an anchor at the Philadhelphia TV station. The station aired a piece about Kyle in 2006. After it aired, a fellow marrine suggested that Jeff upload videos of Kyle on Youtube. "We spent a few days visiting it every 10 minutes or so, and we'd get so excited when we saw the hits going up to 30 and 100. "Jeff says, adding that the hits rose to 50.000 a month later.
Golf digest saw the video and did an article on Kyle, whitch became the most viewed online article in the publication's history. "And from there, it just took off," Jeff says. "We had everybody calling us - HBO, the Ellen DeGeneres show. It was jus unbelievable."
Today, Kyle, who will turn 9 years old on May 28, is busy fulfilling many golf invitations, including charity events such as the Texas based golfers Against Cancer.
"I had seen the first Youtube video and thought he was a neat little prodigy, and as fate would have it, I was working the PGA Merchandhise Show in January 2008 when Kyle and his father stopped by my booth," Jim Aswell, a retired oil businessman who sits on the charity's boards, said. "The first time Kyle came too our gala, we showed that video and there wasn't a dry eye in the place. He's a great motivational story, not just for people with cancer, but for their entire families, which also are so greatle affested." he added.
Kkyle is trully remarkable when considering his handicap of having a prosthetic left eye. "No one understands how he can play golf with absolutely no depth perception," Jeff said. "He shouldn't be able to gauge distances when putting, but he can. It amazes everybody, from me and my wife to some of the best eye doctors in the world. No one knows how he does it."
Kyle has been cancer free for five years. And althought he has made exemplaryprofessional and personal achievements, he keeps hiself humble and low key. When people comment that he will be the next Tiger Woods, he simply says: "No, I'm just Kyle.."

Losta Nasta

Jumat, 23 Desember 2011

Kisah uang Rp, 1000 dan Rp. 100.000

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Uang Rp. 1000 dan Rp. 100.000 sama-sama terbuat dari kertas, sama-sama dicetak dan diedarkan oleh dan dari Bank Indonesia... Pada saat bersamaan mereka keluar dan berpisah dari bank dan beredar di masyarakat.
Empat bulan kemudian mereka bertemu lagi secara tidak sengaja di dalam dompet seorang pemuda. Kemudian di antara kedua uang tersebut terjadilah percakapan, uang Rp. 100.000 bertanya kepada uang Rp. 1000; "Kenapa badan kamu egitu lusuh, kotor dan bau amis...?". Dijawablah oleh uang Rp. 1000; "Karena begitu keluar dari bank, aku langsung di tangan orang-orang bawahan, dari tukang becak, tukang sayur, penjual ikan, dan di tangan pengemis."

Kamis, 22 Desember 2011

Akhir Tahun

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Tak terasa, tinggal 9 hari lagi tahun ini akan berlalu.. Tiba-tiba jadi teringat masa lalu. Kehidupan manusia berlalu begitu cepatnya. Banyak sekali yang telah dilalui. Ada yang lancar, ada yang penuh rintangan. Ada yang penuh kegembiraan, ada yang penuh kegetiran. Semuanya pasti mengalaminya. Itulah kehidupan manusisa.
Saat kita berumur 20 tahun, merasa sungguh enak kalau kita tampan/cantik.
Saat kita berumur 30 tahun, merasa sungguh enak andaikan kita (bisa) kembali muda lagi.
Saat kita berumur 40 tahun, merasa sungguh enak andai kita punya banyak uang.
Saat kita berumur 50 tahun, merasa ada kesehatan sungguh enak sekali.
Saat kita berumur 60 tahun, merasa untuk dapat hidup aja sudah sangat bagus.

Rabu, 21 Desember 2011

The Detox Talks

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Every single day your body consumes and digests toxins; From the air you breathe, the food you eat, the water you drink, the medicine you consume and even the beauty products you apply to your hair and skin. Those toxins will not impact your health directly, but rather in a long period of time. Sounds scary? Indeed. So what to do to ensure your health now and in the future? Detox is the answer..!!

Detoxfication, or more popular as detox, is a process of cleansing and purifying the body from dangerous substances accumulated over time. Basically, our body is capable of doing a self detoxification. Kidney, lungs, liver, blood and the degestion system are a team of intestines that do the deeds of body purrification. Without you knowing about it, natural detoxification happens every day in our body. The toxins are released throught sweat, urine, and excrement.
Despite so, the accumulation of the toxins we consume everyday might cause the process to accur slower than expected. If the amount of toxins processed by our body goes unequal to the amount released everyday, then toxins are released throught sweat, urine, and excrement.

Senin, 19 Desember 2011

Ingat saat kita senang

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Arthur Ashe adalah seorang petenis kulit hitam dari Amerika yang memenangkan tiga gelar juara Grand Slam : Amerika Open(1968), Australia Open(1970) dan Wimbledon(1975).
Pada tahun 1979, ia terkena serangan jantung yang mengharuskannya menjalani operasi bypass. Setelah dua kali operasi, bukannya sembuh ia malah harus menghadapi kenyataan pahit, yaitu terinfeksi HIV melalui transfusi darah yang ia terima.
Seorang penggemar menulis surat padanya. "Mengapa Tuhan memilihmu untuk menderita penyakit itu?". Ashe menjawab, "Di dunia ini ada 50 juta anak yang ingin bermin tenis, di antaranya 5 juta orang yang bisa belajar bermain tenis, 500 ribu belajar menjadi pemain tenis profesional, 50 ribu datang ke arena untuk bertanding, 5000 mencapai turnamen Gran Slam, 50 orang berhasil sampai ke Wimbledon, 4 orang di semifinal, 2 orang berlaga di final.

Jumat, 16 Desember 2011

The Power of Positive Thinking

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"The Positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and the achieves the imposible."
(Winston Churchill, British Prime Minister)

It is said that every person has their own energy that disperses to the environment and will later come back on them with a feedback. Such is is your smile that may attract a beatiful smile in return. In a rather similar case, for someone who always thinks positively about their life, positive results will likely ensue back (most of the time). That goes without saying that if a pessimist always thinks negative about him or herself, unwanted possibilities might strike his or her insistenly.

How to Think Positive?
To make it easy for you to understand, take a close look at the example : If you want to be a billionare and you are currently earning 50 million rupiahs a yeaar, it will likely take sometime to earn a billion and you may not see the results as quick as you want. Why? Because your current mind is programmed to making just 50 million rupiahs a year. To make a billion you have to change your mindset and the way it operates.

Kamis, 15 Desember 2011

Hello, Konichiwa, Namaste

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Each country has its own culture one of ways to show it off is from its greeting. Here are some of the most interesting greetings on the planet.
What do you say when you meet an old friend? Hi Mate? Hullo ma fren? Or simply, hi?
The way one greets a friend or foreigner actually signifies a profound expression of cultural customs that have evolved for decades and even centuries. There are some greetings specified to different genders as in Thailand with their variatons of "Sawadikap" and clasped hands, and more other examples follow below. Let's set off to travel the globe and learn some interesting gestures are uniquely fascinating.

Malaysia (Hand On The Cest)
In Malaysia, the traditional way of greeting is by placing the right palm of hand on the left chest where the heart's place is. The gesturer is accompanied with a slight bow head and body for about a few seconds, gentle smile, and also eye contact. This way of Malaysian greeting indicates respect, honesty, and sincerity from the heart, and the slight bow indicates that recipients are welcomed and honored.

Rabu, 14 Desember 2011

La Dolce Vita..

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For those Italian food lovers, indulge yourself for a memorable culinary experience at Nuzzy's Mousse And Resto -- One Italian Restaurant packed with an imaginative "Backyard" interior and finger-licking recipes.
Stepping into the Nuzzy's Mousse And Resto, you know that you are in for something good. With a big tree jutting out in the middle of the "backyard" dining concept, any curious diners may first feast upon the inspirational atmosphere oozed by this intriguing eatery.
But once you let your fingers run through the menu, it is time to let your taste buds take on a dolce-vita journey-- a treat of the sweet life. Start with Deep Blue Sea Mussel, which comprises tender grilled mussels on bed of tomato sauce coated with hollandaise gratin. This is one best-selling appetizer that would simply rock your world. If you want to do it in the old school way, feel free to slurp the succulent meat straight from the shell and leave your fork and knife for another round of good food.

Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

Lucu nya..

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Hari ini, aku gajian terkejut, termenung setelah mendapat BBM dari seorang temen yang super duper menyentuh..
Ohh, alangkah lucunya..
Uang Rp 20.000,- an kelihatan begitu besar bila dibawa ke kotak amal masjid, tapi begitu kecil bila kita bawa ke mall.
45 menit terasa terlalu lama untuk berdzikir, tapi betapa pendeknya wktu itu untuk pacaran..dan karoke..
Betapa lamanya 2 jam berada di masjid, tapi betapa cepatnya 2 jam berlalu saat menikmati film di bioskop..
Susah merangkai kata untuk dipanjatkan saat berdoa atau sholat, tapi betapa mudahnya cari bahan obrolan bila ketemu teman atau pacar..

Jumat, 02 Desember 2011

Sumber Pemborosan Tiap Hari

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Tanpa sadar, sehari-hari kita melakukan pemborosan. Kenali apa saja hal kecil yang berpotensi menguras kantong anda secara diam-diam.

1. Telat bayar tagihan.
Denda dengan jumlah yang kecil memang kesannya sepele. Tapi lama-lama tak terasa akan menjadi banyak. Usahakan selalu tepat waktu dalam membayar berbagai tagihan listrik, telepon, internet, sampai kartu kredit. Gunakan fitur pengingat di kalender ponsel, bila anda tipe pelupa. Jika lembar tagihan belum tagihan belum datang dan tenggat tagihan sudah dekat, sebaiknya hubungi perusahaan bersangkutan utuk mengetahui jumlah tagihan. Apalagi untuk kartu kredit terlambat bukan hanya membayar denda, tapi juga bunga.

2. Pembelian yang tidak masuk akal.
Sering wanita membeli pakaian yang terlalu besar dengan niat membawanya ke tukang jahit. Atau sebaliknya, terlalu kecil dengan harapan suatu akan pas di badan setelah diet habis-habisan. Percayalah, hampir sebagian besar kasus ini tidak akan berakhir sesuai rencana. Kemungkinan anda terlalu sibuk untuk membawa baju tersebut ke tukang jahit atau tak sempat melakukan diet sehingga baju tersebut hanya akan menjadi penghuni abadi lemari anda.

Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

Gejala Stress baru : SMS-an sambil tidur

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Gejala stress yang dihadapi orang-orang sibuk mengalami fenomena baru, yaitu SMS-an saat sedang tidur.

Kebiasaan aneh ini, kala penderita mengirimkan SMS berisi pesan yang aneh kepada keluarga atau teman, tanpa pernah disadari kita melakukannya saat tidur.

"Saya menangani pasien yang mengalami gangguan tidur, yakni megirim SMS saat sedang tidur. Ini memang bukan kasus yang sering terjadi, an yang pasti bukan tren yang biasa." ujar Dr.David Cunnington, dari Melbourne Sleep Disorder Centre, Autralia.

Menurut Dr.Cunnington, mengirim pesan atau SMS selagi tidur merupakan akibat stress yang dialami seseorang, terlebih lagi padatnya aktivitas dan banyaknya pekerjaan yang harus dilakukan sepanjang hari.