Jumat, 16 Desember 2011

The Power of Positive Thinking

"The Positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and the achieves the imposible."
(Winston Churchill, British Prime Minister)

It is said that every person has their own energy that disperses to the environment and will later come back on them with a feedback. Such is is your smile that may attract a beatiful smile in return. In a rather similar case, for someone who always thinks positively about their life, positive results will likely ensue back (most of the time). That goes without saying that if a pessimist always thinks negative about him or herself, unwanted possibilities might strike his or her insistenly.

How to Think Positive?
To make it easy for you to understand, take a close look at the example : If you want to be a billionare and you are currently earning 50 million rupiahs a yeaar, it will likely take sometime to earn a billion and you may not see the results as quick as you want. Why? Because your current mind is programmed to making just 50 million rupiahs a year. To make a billion you have to change your mindset and the way it operates.

When you think positively and work with positive affirmations, you will inevitably spread the positive vibes around you that will effortlessly attract positive people and positive situations into your life. With the positive thinking all around your head, you start to respect people in your environment.. As a result, you will be described as a nice and warm person who is every open to everyone, and people beginb to respect you the way you rfespect them. Thus, it creates such an enjoyable situation. Once you know "the secret" of life, you will feel like you are "the king of world".
Track your thoughts and replace them into a positive one as soon as possible when negative thinking attacks you. Your mind is an autopilot that is all controlled by yourself. Visualize your success into your mind, believe that with hard work and unwavering faith, you will get what you want and see yourself living the life you desire.

These are a few methods to notch up success in thinking positively:
1. Use more positive terms when speaking.
Whenever you say "I can't" to a task before youu even try to do it, that attitude will most likely result in failures. "I can" may not be the best answer, but "I think can" will instill certain confidence in you to strike a better note and neglect a giving -up attitude.
2. Trash all the negtive thoughts corrupting your mind.
Being sensible of good things in life is so much harder than getting annoyed with all the uncomfortable elements. But, it is time to turn the table, and start activating your senses toward the good stuff.
Whenever you feel like there is something lacking, do something sbout it snd stop complaining. While doing it, focus yourself on making a positive change that you will later benefit.
3. Believe that you will succeed.
Why do winners win? Because, they put their faith in believing that they will win and give all out to realize that positive thinking. Now, why do losers lose? Thhey do not consider themselves worthy of winning since the beginning, and thus the attitude automatically confirms that nation.
4. Give yourself a second chance.
When you do not win despite all the positive thinking and the good faith, you will have better luck next time. It means now it is time to go back to the drawing board and lay all the problems on the table. Figure out what went wrong the last time. Once you feel like all prepped and strike the iron while burning hhot on the upcoming opportunity.

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