Rabu, 21 Desember 2011

The Detox Talks

Every single day your body consumes and digests toxins; From the air you breathe, the food you eat, the water you drink, the medicine you consume and even the beauty products you apply to your hair and skin. Those toxins will not impact your health directly, but rather in a long period of time. Sounds scary? Indeed. So what to do to ensure your health now and in the future? Detox is the answer..!!

Detoxfication, or more popular as detox, is a process of cleansing and purifying the body from dangerous substances accumulated over time. Basically, our body is capable of doing a self detoxification. Kidney, lungs, liver, blood and the degestion system are a team of intestines that do the deeds of body purrification. Without you knowing about it, natural detoxification happens every day in our body. The toxins are released throught sweat, urine, and excrement.
Despite so, the accumulation of the toxins we consume everyday might cause the process to accur slower than expected. If the amount of toxins processed by our body goes unequal to the amount released everyday, then toxins are released throught sweat, urine, and excrement.
Despite so, the accumulation of the toxins we consume everyday might caus` equal to the amount released everyday, then the toxins will gradually become concentrated in our body and eventually build up to be anything from allergy to cancer.

Safe and Proper Detox
There are many ways to detox your body, either naturally by consuming vegetables and fruit or by medical therapies. If you would like to try the medical way, try the Hydrocolon Therapy. It is detoxification whitch removes the residue from the digestion system that remains in thecolon wall. The process is quite fast as if only takes 40 minutes per therapy session. Check out the nearest hospital for this detox.
If youprefer a natural way, the first step to do the detox diet is by reducing the frequency of unhealthy food consumption. After succeeding on this, try to consume more raw vegetables and fruit. The natural fiber and nutrition will support the detoxification process in your body. You might feel uncomfortable eating raw vegetables and fruit at first, but when you are used to doing it, then you will get the pure benefits of your new eating habit. After a certain period of time, all the system in your body will be purified. Make sure you have a nutritionist to keep tabs on your diet process.

Why Do You Need Detox?
As the environmentwe live in now gets more and more polluted than ever while the variety of chemical substances used in food becomes way more dangerous than a few years back, it simply means that the toxins could be absorbed by our body through every possible way. Therefore, to help your body neutralize the toxins, it is suggested by many nutritionist to periodically do detox in clinics or hospitals.
Doing detox, naturally or through medical therapies, could totally flush away all the dangerous substances which have encrusted in your internal organs. With all thhe "bad" substances vamished, your metabolism will be refreshed to normal, thus the whole system of your body will perform better then I did before. So, if you like comsuming junk food and other unhealthy food, you definitely need detox.

To Make It Work
Medical detox could work on anyone, but if you prefer the detox diet, there are a few tips to learn. Here are someof the simplest for you:
1. The Water Miracle
As you may already know, normally we need to drink around 2 liters of water everyday. Try to follow that golden rule, or even better if you could drink more than the amount suggested.
2. Go Green On Your Eating Habit
Consume more veggies and fruits everyday. Choose the organic ones for satisfying detox result.
3. Move Your Body!
Although you are on a diet, it is not an excuse for you to skip working out. Do a light exercise, 2-3 times a week, an hour per session, it should be enough to make your body fit.
4. V For Vitamin
If necessary, consume food supplements and vitamins. However, you have to keep in mind that not everybody needs food supplements. Ask your doctor to check whether you need to take them or not.
5. Ouch My Head!
There are a few "bad" symptoms of toxins release during the detoxfying process, such as headache, stomachache, constipation, or fatigue. Do not worry, these symptoms are normal and will stop by after sometime.

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